The Paisley Patterns

Paisley patterns are the new floral for this winters must-have pattern. If you are really into fashion then this is the must-have a pattern that will be featured in every trendsetters wardrobe this winter. Fashion forecasts have been telling us this design will come back in fashion, and now it has, you can find it on women’s blouses, men’s shirts, as well as children’s wear, and home decor.

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Pattern By Agne

Simple Scandinavian Paisley

The paisley patterns range from simple Scandinavian one colour print patterns to the high powered multi-coloured patterns, that is meant to stand out from the crowd, not mistaken on the catwalk, it can now be seen in the mainstream high street stores.

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Pattern By Edyta Skros

Water Colour Paisleys

If you are lucky enough to plan and design your own unique wardrobe this year and fancy some up to the minute paisley patterns to add to your bespoke wardrobe, look no further than to our emerging designer’s patterns on our marketplace, who have designed many hand-painted stunning paisley patterns suitable for apparel and home decor.

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Paisley Pattern By Marina Popska

The Paisley Where It Started

Paisley Patterns may evoke the feeling of far-flung places, exotic destinations, They actually come from much further away in India. The Iranian Buta motif first came to Britain from India, when the Kashmiri shawls began to be imported and worn by the British in the 17th Century. Unable to meet the demand they started producing the pattern in a town called Paisley, the town was renamed Paisley as a hub of weaving which started in the first half of the 19th Century and makers were kept busy making new versions of the shawls to meet public demand, and this is also when the buta was renamed paisley.

Trend aware paisley patterns on our marketplace

Fed Up With Florals