

Nature is incomprehensively beautiful if we care to see. Looking around us, intricate patterns surround us in mystical ways. Be it an autumn leaf or the way rain drops fall onto a lone spider web.

John Muir once said, “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks,” I couldn’t agree more! The little dew drops smiling on the petals, the autumn leaves dancing in the wind! ​ I am always in awe of nature, visualising new patterns instantly.

Over the years, travels and photography have drawn me closer to nature, from where I draw my inspiration.

 My designs just reflect the world through my eyes.

I welcome you to see the world through my eyes ..

I create patterns for fashion, home textiles, and stationery, using both freehand, traditional media, and digital software.

My patterns are available for product licensing. I design as per bespoke requirements and seasons.